Multiple Junction Units are available in various bandwidths and configurations. Specifications provide typical performance data for each junction in different configurations. To discuss your specific needs, please contact us.

ProductFrequency Range (GHz)WaveGuideInput FlangeOutput ConnectorIsololation (dB Min)
112CIA107.90 to 8.40WR112UG138/USMA FEM21
187CIA104.40 to 5.00WR187UG407/USMA FEM23
187CIA115.40 to 5.90WR187CPR187GSMA FEM23
187CIA127.25 to 7.75WR112CPR137GSMA FEM23
51CIA1017.7 to 19.7WR5UG1665/USMA FEM20
62CIA1014.0 to 15.0WR62M3922/53-008SMA FEM23
75CIA1011.7 to 12.2WR75UG597/USMA FEM20
90CIA109.00 to 10.0WR90UG135/USMA FEM23
229CIA103.70 to 4.20WR229CPR229GSMA FEM25
284CIA102.90 to 3.20WR284CPR284GSMA FEM23
340CIA102.20 to 2.30WR340CPR340GSMA FEM23
430CIA102.20 to 2.30WR430UG437B/USMA FEM23

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